Inspired by The Simpsons episode “Deep Space Homer,” this made-to-order 7” fully articulated ULTIMATES! figure comes with interchangeable heads and hands, and a variety of accessories – including the inanimate carbon rod. Each ULTIMATES! figure comes packaged in a deluxe slip-case window box. Collect the whole first wave of The Simpsons ULTIMATES! figures!
- 3x interchangeable heads
- 6x interchangeable hands
- Space helmet
- Bag of potato chips
- Inanimate carbon rod (glows in the dark)
- Experimental ant colony
This made-to-order 7” fully articulated figure of Moe, Springfield’s favorite bartender, comes with interchangeable heads and hands, and accessories that highlight his endeavors, including a Flaming Moe and panda. Each ULTIMATES! figure comes packaged in a deluxe slip-case window box. Collect the whole first wave of The Simpsons ULTIMATES! figures!
- 3x interchangeable heads
- 8x interchangeable hands
- Panda
- Pickled eggs
- Rag
- Telephone
- Flaming Moe
- Soft goods apron
Inspired by the “Itchy & Scratchy Land” episode of The Simpsons, this made-to-order 7” scale fully articulated ULTIMATES! Robot Scratchy figure comes with an ample selection of accessories, as well as must-have theme park souvenirs like the coveted BORT novelty license plate. Each ULTIMATES! figure comes packaged in a deluxe slip-case window box. Collect the whole first wave of The Simpsons ULTIMATES! figures!
- 2x interchangeable heads
- 4x interchangeable hands
- Chainsaw
- Mallet
- Axe
- Baby axe
- Knife
- Machine gun
- BORT license plate
Inspired by the “Itchy & Scratchy Land” episode of The Simpsons, this made-to-order 7” scale fully articulated ULTIMATES! figure of Robot Itchy comes with an ample selection of accessories for loads of theme park fun! Each ULTIMATES! figure comes packaged in a deluxe slip-case window box. Collect the whole first wave of The Simpsons ULTIMATES! figures!
- 2x interchangeable heads
- 4x interchangeable hands
- Chainsaw
- Mallet
- Axe
- Machine gun
- Drum
- Drumsticks
Inspired by the “Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show” episode of The Simpsons, this made-to-order 7” scale fully articulated ULTIMATES! figure of Poochie comes with interchangeable heads and hands, and all of the totally outrageous accessories you’d expect. Each ULTIMATES! figure comes packaged in a deluxe slip-case window box. Collect the whole first wave of The Simpsons ULTIMATES! figures!
- 3x interchangeable heads
- 6x interchangeable hands
- Guitar
- Fanny pack
- Surfboard
- Skateboard